Chromium/Chrome window is black in Ubuntu 16.04/18.04 [closed]

I have installed Chromium and Google Chrome, but the entire Chromium/Chrome window is black in Ubuntu 16.04/18.04. Does somebody know why?

Chromium installed with: sudo apt install chromium-browser

Google Chrome installed by downloading from and double clicking the .deb file.


Screenshot of black Chromium window

Running Chrome with --use-gl=angle does the trick for me and I don't have to turn off the 3D acceleration. The command looks like this:

google-chrome --use-gl=angle

However for the normal usage I've modified every exec line in /usr/share/applications/google-chrome.desktop and added the mentioned param, so it looks like this (notice there are three occurences of exec):

Exec=/usr/bin/google-chrome-stable %U --use-gl=angle

Works in Ubuntu 16.10, VirtualBox 5.1.12

If you didn't solve it by now, the problem is with WebGL2, for more informations, read this:

Issue 602679

And like is said in the link, the fix for the black screen is running chrome with --use-gl=angle

It worked for me, hope it helps.

Best regards, Eugen.