Should C++ eliminate header files? [closed]

Backwards Compatibility - Header files are not eliminated because it would break Backwards Compatibility.

Header files allow for independent compilation. You don't need to access or even have the implementation files to compile a file. This can make for easier distributed builds.

This also allows SDKs to be done a little easier. You can provide just the headers and some libraries. There are, of course, ways around this which other languages use.

Even Bjarne Stroustrup has called header files a kludge.

But without a standard binary format which includes the necessary metadata (like Java class files, or .Net PE files) I don't see any way to implement the feature. A stripped ELF or a.out binary doesn't have much of the information you would need to extract. And I don't think that the information is ever stored in Windows XCOFF files.

I routinely flip between C# and C++, and the lack of header files in C# is one of my biggest pet peeves. I can look at a header file and learn all I need to know about a class - what it's member functions are called, their calling syntax, etc - without having to wade through pages of the code that implements the class.

And yes, I know about partial classes and #regions, but it's not the same. Partial classes actually make the problem worse, because a class definition is spread across several files. As far as #regions go, they never seem to be expanded in the manner I'd like for what I'm doing at the moment, so I have to spend time expanding those little plus's until I get the view right.

Perhaps if Visual Studio's intellisense worked better for C++, I wouldn't have a compelling reason to have to refer to .h files so often, but even in VS2008, C++'s intellisense can't touch C#'s

C was made to make writing a compiler easily. It does a LOT of stuff based on that one principle. Pointers only exist to make writing a compiler easier, as do header files. Many of the things carried over to C++ are based on compatibility with these features implemented to make compiler writing easier.

It's a good idea actually. When C was created, C and Unix were kind of a pair. C ported Unix, Unix ran C. In this way, C and Unix could quickly spread from platform to platform whereas an OS based on assembly had to be completely re-written to be ported.

The concept of specifying an interface in one file and the implementation in another isn't a bad idea at all, but that's not what C header files are. They are simply a way to limit the number of passes a compiler has to make through your source code and allow some limited abstraction of the contract between files so they can communicate.

These items, pointers, header files, etc... don't really offer any advantage over another system. By putting more effort into the compiler, you can compile a reference object as easily as a pointer to the exact same object code. This is what C++ does now.

C is a great, simple language. It had a very limited feature set, and you could write a compiler without much effort. Porting it is generally trivial! I'm not trying to say it's a bad language or anything, it's just that C's primary goals when it was created may leave remnants in the language that are more or less unnecessary now, but are going to be kept around for compatibility.

It seems like some people don't really believe that C was written to port Unix, so here: (from)

The first version of UNIX was written in assembler language, but Thompson's intention was that it would be written in a high-level language.

Thompson first tried in 1971 to use Fortran on the PDP-7, but gave up after the first day. Then he wrote a very simple language he called B, which he got going on the PDP-7. It worked, but there were problems. First, because the implementation was interpreted, it was always going to be slow. Second, the basic notions of B, which was based on the word-oriented BCPL, just were not right for a byte-oriented machine like the new PDP-11.

Ritchie used the PDP-11 to add types to B, which for a while was called NB for "New B," and then he started to write a compiler for it. "So that the first phase of C was really these two phases in short succession of, first, some language changes from B, really, adding the type structure without too much change in the syntax; and doing the compiler," Ritchie said.

"The second phase was slower," he said of rewriting UNIX in C. Thompson started in the summer of 1972 but had two problems: figuring out how to run the basic co-routines, that is, how to switch control from one process to another; and the difficulty in getting the proper data structure, since the original version of C did not have structures.

"The combination of the things caused Ken to give up over the summer," Ritchie said. "Over the year, I added structures and probably made the compiler code somewhat better -- better code -- and so over the next summer, that was when we made the concerted effort and actually did redo the whole operating system in C."

Here is a perfect example of what I mean. From the comments:

Pointers only exist to make writing a compiler easier? No. Pointers exist because they're the simplest possible abstraction over the idea of indirection. – Adam Rosenfield (an hour ago)

You are right. In order to implement indirection, pointers are the simplest possible abstraction to implement. In no way are they the simplest possible to comprehend or use. Arrays are much easier.

The problem? To implement arrays as efficiently as pointers you have to pretty much add a HUGE pile of code to your compiler.

There is no reason they couldn't have designed C without pointers, but with code like this:

int i=0;

it will take a lot of effort (on the compilers part) to factor out the explicit i+src and i+dest additions and make it create the same code that this would make:

while(*(dest++) = *(src++))

Factoring out that variable "i" after the fact is HARD. New compilers can do it, but back then it just wasn't possible, and the OS running on that crappy hardware needed little optimizations like that.

Now few systems need that kind of optimization (I work on one of the slowest platforms around--cable set-top boxes, and most of our stuff is in Java) and in the rare case where you might need it, the new C compilers should be smart enough to make that kind of conversion on its own.