Error Loading Project: Cannot load 3 facets Details

I am using Android Studio 1.5.1 and when I open Android Studio I am getting in my console an error- "Error loading project: Cannot load 3 facets Details..."

4:42:06 PM Error Loading Project: Cannot load 3 facets Details...
4:42:09 PM Plugins Suggestion
           Unknown features (Run Configuration[AndroidRunConfigurationType], Facet[android, android-gradle]) covered by disabled plugin detected.
           Enable plugins...
           Ignore Unknown Features

enter image description here

Does anyone have thoughts on how I can resolve this issue?

Solution 1:

after opening android studio, open settings and the go to plugins,then do following steps

  1. disable the firebase services
  2. enable the android support plugin
  3. restart android studio
  4. go to settings and then to plugins
  5. enable firebase services plugin
  6. restart android studio

Solution 2:

Solution:error-loading-project-cannot-load-3-facets-details. While android studio is launched, go to File, Then Settings->Plugin->Enable Android Support Plugin

Solution 3:

After enabling the Android Support plugin (File->Settings->Plugins->Android Support), if you're using the Firebase Services plugin, you may need to disable Firebase Services, make sure Google Services is enabled, click 'Apply' and finally re-enable Firebase Services. This helped me when a an event log appears complaining of disabled plugin.

  1. Click on Prompt to Enable plugin 2.Uncheck Firebase service and automatically other plugins which had issues changed from red to White.
  2. Click on OK.
  3. A prompt pop up to restart Android studio appears
  4. Huurray!

Solution 4:

(Shorter solutions to the problem are shown above and have many thumbs up votes. If they don't work for you, several people have thanked me for this, so give it a try.)

I was using Android Studio 3.0.1 and Gradle 4.1 when I got the "Facets" errors. I fixed it by doing what follows.

  1. Stop AS. If AS is hung, force it to stop using Task Manager.

  2. Restart AS. if you have errors and NO WAY TO GET TO FILE>SETTINGS…, you likely are where I was. Read on.

  3. If you have a popup about facets that is similar to this...

enter image description here

  1. ... look at Gradle console. If you get the message Problems found loading plugins, followed by a list of errors that say “required plugin Android Support is disabled " , followed by a message that has a link saying " ...( show balloon)`, click that link.

  2. The link will have an option to Choose to enable Android Support `. Do so.

  3. Restart AS.

  4. If you can get to File > Settings and have no errors, great. I guess you're finished.

But I faced a new error, so you may too:

  1. If you get this error...

    Info:Gradle tasks [clean, :app:generateDebugSources, 
    Error:Failed to complete Gradle execution.
    Cause: **Write access is allowed from event dispatch thread only**
  2. ... go to File -> Project Structure -> SDK Location.

  3. Check the box Use embedded JDK.

  4. Set jdk location to C:\Program Files\Android\Android Studio\jre.

(My path was set to C:\Program Files\Android\Android Studio1\jre. The 1 is a little disconcerting, but ok so far.)

  1. Hit OK and exit Settings.

  2. Choose Run or Debug (or Run … or Debug …).

(If you still have problems, check out the other Answers above and below.) This is as good as I can do. Sorry if it didn't help.

This seems to combine two or three threads about two or three problems:

Facet errors (I ignored the popup.)
Plugin errors (but no access to File Settings)
Write access only from dispatch thread (for which the fix seems unrelated).