cursor ripple effect for screencasts and other useful action visibility tools

I was wondering whether someone could point me to any tools available for unix/windows/mac that enable useful screen cast options such as showing a circle that ripples out everytime a mouse click occurs. I can't seem to find the right phraseology to search for this so was hoping someone had a better idea than me.

Any additional useful tools for this type of thing would be welcome as an answer.

Recommended on both Lifehacker (HERE) and on MakeUseOf (HERE), CamStudio is able to do want you want. CamStudio is a free and open source program that comes with good amount of features, including Visual Click Feedback (the feature you were seeking).

The forum post HERE details what you need to do to enable Visual Click Feedback. After you have downloaded and installed CamStudio, it instructs you to go to Options>Cursor Options and enable Highlight Cursor and Enable Visual Click Feedback. The next time you record your screen, you will notice the desired "ripple effect."

Please note: the ripple effect will not show WHILE you are recording, it is only visible in the recorded video.

This question was created in 2014, and it's 2021 now. For people who came here via google search, here are the solutions that I have collected to highlight your mouse with ripple effect in Windows system:

  1. Use CamStudio to record your video: Pros/Cons: it's not free.
  2. Use ActivePresenter to record your video: Pros/Cons: it free for personal usage, but not free for commercial usage.
  3. Buy a program called PoitnerFocus: Pros/Cons: it's kind of free if you don't want to pay for it, but it will keep popping up a message every few minutes asking you to pay.
  4. Use an open source AutoHotkey script: (This is the one I am currently using for my screen recording with OBS) Pros/Cons: it's a free open source software for both personal and commercial usage, but it doesn't have a GUI interface for you to configure it -- you will need to configure it through a "settings" file instead of a GUI.