Update applied by hand, how to tell App Store app?

Solution 1:

If it’s working I would leave it be until the next update. Fiddling with a signed app can make it not run.

I would recommend getting content caching on your slow network. You can even take that storage and Mac to a fast network to get the App Store apps cached to an external disk and bring that cache back to the slow network. Subsequently when you update at home, the update comes from your local network cache and not Apple. New bits come in incrementally and update the cache until old apps age out when storage pressure grows and forces out the old bits to keep the freshest ones cached.

  • https://support.apple.com/guide/mac-help/set-up-content-caching-on-mac-mchl3b6c3720/mac

The iCloud caching is also a huge benefit for slow networks. We use these at work extensively. Instead of 50 Xcode installs, only one downloads and the rest are cached locally.