How to use getJSON, sending data with post method?

I am using above method & it works well with one parameter in URL.

e.g. Students/getstud/1 where controller/action/parameter format is applied.

Now I have an action in Students controller that accepts two parameters and return a JSON object.

So how do I post data with $.getJSON() using post method?

Similar methods are also acceptable.

The point is to call an action of the controller with AJAX.

Solution 1:

The $.getJSON() method does an HTTP GET and not POST. You need to use $.post()

$.post(url, dataToBeSent, function(data, textStatus) {
  //data contains the JSON object
  //textStatus contains the status: success, error, etc
}, "json");

In that call, dataToBeSent could be anything you want, although if are sending the contents of a an html form, you can use the serialize method to create the data for the POST from your form.

var dataToBeSent = $("form").serialize();

Solution 2:

This is my "one-line" solution:

$.postJSON = function(url, data, func) { $.post(url+(url.indexOf("?") == -1 ? "?" : "&")+"callback=?", data, func, "json"); }

In order to use jsonp, and POST method, this function adds the "callback" GET parameter to the URL. This is the way to use it:

$.postJSON("",{ id : 287 }, function (data) {

The server must be prepared to handle the callback GET parameter and return the json string as:

jsonp000000 ({"name":"John", "age": 25});

in which "jsonp000000" is the callback GET value.

In PHP the implementation would be like:


I made some cross-domain tests and it seems to work. Still need more testing though.

Solution 3:

Just add these lines to your <script> (somewhere after jQuery is loaded but before posting anything):

$.postJSON = function(url, data, func)
    $.post(url, data, func, 'json');

Replace (some/all) $.getJSON with $.postJSON and enjoy!

You can use the same Javascript callback functions as with $.getJSON. No server-side change is needed. (Well, I always recommend using $_REQUEST in PHP., Among $_REQUEST, $_GET and $_POST which one is the fastest?)

This is simpler than @lepe's solution.

Solution 4:

I had code that was doing getJSON. I simply replaced it with post. To my surprise, it worked

   $.post("@Url.Action("Command")", { id: id, xml: xml })
      .done(function (response) {
           // stuff
        .fail(function (jqxhr, textStatus, error) {
           // stuff

    public JsonResult Command(int id, string xml)
          // stuff