Nvidia with Bumblebee installation for 16.04

Are there any I struction for installing Nvidia and Bumblebee on 16.04? I'm trying to do a cleans install but all the procedures I've found end in a state where Ubuntu boot to low graphics mode and if you add nomodeset to the launch parameters lightdm crashes when you try to log in.

Edit: I'm just going without Bumblebee for now.

Solution 1:

Looks like someone has succeeded... https://lenovolinux.blogspot.si/2016/05/bumblebee-on-lenovo-t440p-nvidia-gt.html

Solution 2:


Step 1 - Add PPA:

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:neon1ks/bumblebee

Step 2 - Fully update the system:

sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get dist-upgrade

Step 3 - Install nvidia-361 and bumblebee:

sudo apt-get install --install-recommends nvidia-361 nvidia-settings bumblebee bumblebee-nvidia primus

Step 4 - Add user to bumblebee group:

sudo gpasswd -a $USER bumblebee

Step 5 - Enable bumblebeed

sudo systemctl enable bumblebeed

Step 6 - Edit /etc/modules

sudo gedit /etc/modules

To add 2 lines to the end of the file:


Step 7 - Edit the bumblebee configuration file:

sudo gedit /etc/bumblebee/bumblebee.conf

line 22:


line 55:


line 58:


line 61:


Step 8 - Reboot

Solution 3:

For me the installation on 16.04 worked using the following way,

sudo apt-get install bumblebee nvidia-367 primus

Then, blacklist nouveau and edit the conf file

edit /etc/modprobe.d/bumblebee.conf - add the text:

blacklist nouveau

edit, /etc/bumblebe/bumblebee.conf. Here is my bumblebee configuration file:

# Configuration file for Bumblebee. Values should **not** be put between quotes

## Server options. Any change made in this section will need a server restart
# to take effect.
# The secondary Xorg server DISPLAY number
# Should the unused Xorg server be kept running? Set this to true if waiting
# for X to be ready is too long and don't need power management at all.
# The name of the Bumbleblee server group name (GID name)
# Card power state at exit. Set to false if the card shoud be ON when Bumblebee
# server exits.
# The default behavior of '-f' option on optirun. If set to "true", '-f' will
# be ignored.
# The Driver used by Bumblebee server. If this value is not set (or empty),
# auto-detection is performed. The available drivers are nvidia and nouveau
# (See also the driver-specific sections below)
# Directory with a dummy config file to pass as a -configdir to secondary X

## Client options. Will take effect on the next optirun executed.
# Acceleration/ rendering bridge, possible values are auto, virtualgl and
# primus.
# The method used for VirtualGL to transport frames between X servers.
# Possible values are proxy, jpeg, rgb, xv and yuv.
# List of paths which are searched for the primus libGL.so.1 when using
# the primus bridge
# Should the program run under optirun even if Bumblebee server or nvidia card
# is not available?

# Driver-specific settings are grouped under [driver-NAME]. The sections are
# parsed if the Driver setting in [bumblebeed] is set to NAME (or if auto-
# detection resolves to NAME).
# PMMethod: method to use for saving power by disabling the nvidia card, valid
# values are: auto - automatically detect which PM method to use
#         bbswitch - new in BB 3, recommended if available
#       switcheroo - vga_switcheroo method, use at your own risk
#             none - disable PM completely
# https://github.com/Bumblebee-Project/Bumblebee/wiki/Comparison-of-PM-methods

## Section with nvidia driver specific options, only parsed if Driver=nvidia
# Module name to load, defaults to Driver if empty or unset
# colon-separated path to the nvidia libraries
# comma-separated path of the directory containing nvidia_drv.so and the
# default Xorg modules path

## Section with nouveau driver specific options, only parsed if Driver=nouveau
