word meaning 'in large numbers'

I want to know a word which can be used to indicate that a particular object is ordered 'in large numbers'. The terms like numerous and many do not reflect my stress on numbers. Can anyone suggest a better word?

Example sentence: "Why was this spoon not ordered (suggested word)?"

Solution 1:

The phrase you're looking for might be "in bulk".

(My first answer would've been the French phrase en masse, but after checking a couple of online dictionaries, it seems it doesn't mean what I thought it meant... though I'm sure I've heard it used to mean "in bulk".)

Solution 2:

Since you're looking for a single word, "wholesale" fits the bill.

The Free Dictionary defines it as:

In large bulk or quantity

An example sentence from the same source:

He buys the materials wholesale.

Solution 3:

I think aaamos's suggestions of "en masse" and "in bulk" are probably the most suitable.

However, if you're really keen to have one word, perhaps you could use:




Otherwise a thesaurus might be a good route.