What is a noun that means "the skill of being able to use technology efficiently?"

What is a noun that means "the skill of being able to use technology efficiently or easily?"


Solution 1:

I think the most suitable single-word is tech-savvy. It is an informal word and it is defined as an adjective in dictionaries, but I see the noun usage also. (for example, the plural tech-savvies is not uncommon.)

Well informed about or proficient in the use of modern technology, especially computers [OD]

Note: OED gives techno-savvy also. Additionally, you can define the skill as tech-savviness informally. This word is not uncommon also.

Here are some noun options: (definitions from OED)

Closer to what you are asking:

  • technophile: a person who likes or readily adopts technology.

More specific and hard-core versions:

  • techno-nerd: a person who pursues an (obsessive) interest in, or is extremely knowledgeable about, technology, often regarded as lacking other interests, being socially inept, etc.
  • technomaniac: a person with a passionate enthusiasm for technology

Note: There are general words for the skill like know-how but you would say technical know-how to be specific and technique which defines a specific skill but usually in sports or art.

Solution 2:

The word that comes directly to mind to describe what you are requesting is


The other term that is used to describe those that do not know of a world without a pervasively available Internet and always-connected devices at arm's length:

Digital Native

A Technologist is more someone who specializes in Technological things. Digital Native is used to describe someone who is proficient with technology without the need to specialize in it.

Solution 3:

In my neck of the woods - originally from the UK - we simply call someone with such proficiency a techie which reference.com defines as "a person who is skilled in the use of technological devices, such as computers "

However, most such definitions rely on a fuzzy definition of the word 'technology'. Given that definitions of technology can be as broad as 'the way things are done around here' (Ursula Franklin) or 'Everything that doesn't work yet' (Danny Hillis) or "Ways that people get complicated things done" (Bessant & Francis) or "Anything invented after you were born" (Alan Kay) it is important to identify the technology or family of technologies that your are talking about. A good user of language might be a linguist, someone that knows engines might be a mechanic, a builder of engines might be an engineer, and someone good with computers might be a geek, wizard or guru.

Solution 4:

There's no single word for this, but for competent, well-informed use of technology (without necessarily being able to create new programs, etc.), use the noun phrase "technical literacy". This is in a fairly high style register, and a technically literate person doesn't necessarily work with technology for a living.

Solution 5:

Computer literate comes to mind, and apparently digital literacy is supposed to be a term now.

I think they're both too unspecific to mean anything useful, but they haven't been mentioned. (Technical literacy mentioned in another answer).

Since you mention becoming adept "easily," I wonder if you're looking for a technology equivalent of natural athlete or natural pilot, in which case you can apply natural to whatever skill or profession you please.