Is there any alternative to Workrave in 11.10?

Workrave package had removed from Oneiric, and setting for blocking screen removed from Gnome 3 (it was in keyboard settings in Gnome 2). Is there any alternative to control working time on computer in Ubuntu 11.10?

Solution 1:

I think Workrave wasn't really removed from Oneiric, but rather waiting on a fix so that it would actually work. I saw that today it got uploaded into the Oneiric Backports.

Make sure you have the backports repository enabled in your software sources, and also make sure that the package list is up-to-date, then you should be able to install/update it again. (I don't know about integration into gnome 3 though.)

  • How do I enable the "backports" repository?

Solution 2:

Yes, there are rsibreak and xwrits. Both available on repos[1][2].