Sharing files with Android devices (How do I mount an HP Touchpad, Cyanogen Mod 9?)

I've recently installed Cyanogen Mod 9 on my HP Touchpad tablet, but I'm encountering problems when trying to access it from my Ubuntu laptop (Ubuntu 11.10, Gnome-Shell, Nautilus).

I've first tried accessing it via PTP as suggested here. Ubuntu will recognize the Touchpad as a digicam and only grant me access to two directories: "DCIM" and "Pictures".

I then tried accessing the tablet via MTP using this post on OMGUbuntu!. Ubuntu will connect to the tablet, but only grant me access to a folder named "Playlists".

Solution 1:

It sounds like you are looking for USB Mass Storage mode. According to this forum thread, that doesn't exist yet in Cyanogenmod 9:

Solution 2:

You can access your files by setting up an ftp server on the tablet, which is easy and allows you to access your files with Nautilus. The Swiftp app is an abandoned project but should still work.

You can mount the tablet over ssh by using sshfs in ubuntu with a command like: sshfs [email protected]:/mnt/sdcard /media/android -p 2222 after following my instructions here to set up an ssh server on your tablet. (SSHelper is an easy to use implementation). This method will work over usb too.

Last but not least: adb. It has a few quirks when comes to moving files around and it requires Java and the android sdk to be installed, but I always use it. Works over wifi too.