Does the Bullseye do anything?

Digging into the equipment data (under Program Files\Steam\steamapps\common\Precipice Of Darkness 3\Content\XML), Bullseye has the following properties.

  • name = Bullseye
  • equipment cost = 20
  • str, mag, def, and so on = 0
  • target = 1
  • hits = 0
  • description = There's no good reason for any person to EVER equip this.

(Bullseye is item #111, the XML is basically arrays).

Digging through Reflector (Episode 3 is a .NET app), found this method on Character:

public int TrueTaunt()
    int tauntlevel = this.tauntlevel;
    if (this.HasIndividualEffect(0x7d9))  // Over Here! [doesn't seem to be in game?]
        tauntlevel += 20;
    if (this.HasIndividualEffect(0x7df))  // Flip Off [likewise]
        tauntlevel += 0x19; // 25
    if (this.HasIndividualEffect(0x7ff)) // Glare
        tauntlevel += 20;
    if (this.HasIndividualEffect(0x802)) // Leer
        tauntlevel += 0x19; // 25
    if (this.HasIndividualEffect(0x83e)) // Spotlight
        tauntlevel += 20;
    if (this.HasIndividualEffect(0x851)) // Challenge
        tauntlevel += 0x19; // 25
    if (this.WeaponNumber == 0x1a) // Shotgorn
        tauntlevel += 20;
    if (this.ArmorNumber == 0x6f) // Bullseye
        tauntlevel += 20;
    if (tauntlevel < 1)
        tauntlevel = 1;
    return tauntlevel;

So it looks like Bullseye is equivalent to the lower tier of Taunt abilities. Note the two abilities that I can't find in game may just be left overs from Zeyboyd's Cthulhu Saves The World; there are other Cthulhu references in data and code, of course I could just have missed them in PA3.

Taunt appears to work as follows (actual code is considerably denser):

  • create a List T
  • for each character
    • if that character is alive
    • loop from 1 to TrueTaunt() (inclusive) as N, adding that character to T (only if sizeof(T) <= 256)
  • monsters choose a target randomly from T to attack

A weird quirk here is that it appears that if TrueTaunt of your first couple characters adds up to 256 or higher* then your remaining characters are not individually target-able (I don't think attack choice is influenced by taunt level). This is decompiled code so don't hold me to that, I could be missing some compensation elsewhere.

All characters have a basic tauntlevel of 4, and it doesn't seem to increase by level. Looks like your highest possible taunt is with Tycho using the Shotgorn (+20), Bullseye (+20) with the Crabomancer (Leer +25) and Tube Samurai (Challenge +25) classes for a taunt level of 94. If no other character has taunt boosts, Tycho would be targeted ~89% of the time.

*I don't think this is possible in this game, maximum summed taunt across all characters looks to be 164.