Selenium, how to start Firefox with addons?

I want to load the Firefox Addon RequestPolicy. This is how i tried it:

rp = open(wd + "/requestpolicy.xpi")
firefoxProfile = FirefoxProfile()

self.driver = webdriver.Firefox(firefoxProfile)

self.usr = user.User(self.driver, username, password, world)

No error, according to the Docs it should work, but it doesn't, it still starts without the addon.

Next thing i've tried is calling it this way:

self.driver = webdriver.Firefox(browser_profile=firefoxProfile)


TypeError: __init__() got an unexpected keyword argument 'browser_profile'

But this is an aspect of python i dont know much about. I got that idea because the source looks that way.

I don't have enough Stackoverflow rep to leave a comment on your question, and unfortunately I don't know the answer to your question, but for what it's worth you need to call webdriver.Firefox() with firefox_profile, not browser_profile, as you have done.

See also:

what I did and worked was:

profile.add_extension("/home/.../.mozilla/firefox/zrdb9ki8.default/extensions/{d10d0bf8-f5b5-c8b4-a8b2-2b9879e08c5d}.xpi") # for adblockplus

profile.set_preference("extensions.adblockplus.currentVersion", "2.8.2")
Fox = webdriver.Firefox(profile)
Fox.get(website_Url) #https://.....

It took me a few hours to find a solution.

All you need to do is download your extension as .xip file.

And then add this line to your code:

driver.install_addon('/Users/someuser/app/extension.xpi', temporary=True)

Replace "/Users/someuser/app/extension.xpi" with path to your extension .xip file.