Laravel many-to-many-to-many throught relationship

Hej guys,

currently I am developing a Laravel web app with a kind of hard to solve through-relationship. My relationship looks like this:

enter image description here

The problem is: I want to have a courses relationship on my module model. I tried to solve it with a custom has-many relationship that works ... kind of. Well, yes, it works, but only if I access it directly. If I tried to use this relationship with something like whereHas('courses') it fails and builds an incorrect query. I can work around this by using whereHas(''), but actually, that's not the way I want it to be – if there is a better solution, that I haven't found yet.

Any pro ideas on how to solve my problem?

My current "solution":

public function courses() {
  $query = (

  return $this->newHasMany(

EDIT (2022-01-17): changed database schema: enter image description here

Solution 1:

I would solve this as following

In your Course model

//import Module model

public function modules(){
  return $this->belongsToMany(Module::class);

In your Module model

//import Course model

public function courses(){
  return $this->belongsToMany(Course::class);

Now you can access using eagerloading as follows

$courses = Course::with('modules')->get();
$modules = Module::with('courses')->get();


use it with has if you want get as with at least one data

$courses = Course::has('modules')->get();
$modules = Module::has('courses')->get();

Now you can use foreach or if you want to access relationship you can do following

 foreach($courses as $key => $value){

OR for module

 foreach($modules as $key => $value){