Are there Anti-Theft apps for iPad similar to cerberus for Android

I have been looking for some anti-theft applications for iPad, like the wonderful Cerberus application for Android which enables a lot of features to recover your lost or stolen Android mobile for only 2/3€. Avast anti-theft also worked perfectly in my Android phone and its free.

I would like to know if you have tested any of them in you Apple device and could give me a hint before buying it. It will be a plus if it could detect if the 3G microSIM card is removed, and send an SMS to another mobile like Avast anti-theft application for Android does.

I don't mind about price, the more features the better.

I would like the following options:

  • Remote control of the lost/stolen device (get SMS, get files, capture screen, turn on camera..)
  • Possible remote control by sending SMS.
  • Check for location of stolen device via remote turning on GPS or using 3G or any other method.

Apple makes their own anti-theft app, and it seems to be a fairly reasonable app as far as features. You can find out more about it here.

As of iOS 6, and the latest version you can use it to remotely (among other things):

  • Lock your device
  • Erase your device (the app doesn't work after this)
  • Display a message to the user
  • Play a sound
  • Geolocate the device
  • Get directions to the device
  • Put it in Lost mode, and allow the finder to call you while the device is locked (iPhone only)

Note that it has to have a internet connection, in order to communicate with whatever you are looking it up with. Also, it must have GPS for an accurate location - although wifi only devices that are connected to wifi should display their location, but it will be more general.

This app is the best one for iOS devices. Others have the limitation of sandboxing that Apple uses for security reasons. But sandboxing limits the features other anti-theft (it should be called "Recovery") apps can have.

Prey is another good one. It works for all of your devices, not just iOS or Android. There is a three device limit for the free account. When you report the device as being lost or stolen, you can initiate tracking. This will send you back reports, IPs, screenshots, gps data, pictures from front facing cameras, etc. I can't tell you how great it works because fortunately none of my stuff has been stolen since I've used it, but it's nice to have another layer of security to fall back on in the event my devices end up in the wrong hands.

iCaughtU Pro. Takes a photo and GPS fix, then emails/SMS them to you when password is entered incorrectly. Also disables power button when locked, and will SMS if the SIM card is changed. Also has a "fake unlock" mode that allows access to only the apps you choose, and a remote control API via SMS/iMessage.