How can I copy/paste files via RDP in Kubuntu? says that shares show up using Remmina when you also enable sound redirection. To recap, here is what you have to do:

  1. Create a Remmina RDP connection to the windows machine
  2. Edit that connection.
  3. Under the Basic tab Choose a share folder
  4. In Advanced tab, change sound to local. Save it and connect

Then the shared folder appears in My computer in windows.
(If it does not appear, trying clicking Refresh).

Quoting from the man page (

-r comport:<comport>=<device>,... Redirects serial devices on your client to the server. Note that if you need to change any settings on the serial device(s), do so with an appropriate tool before starting rdesktop. In most OSes you would use stty. Bidirectional/Read support requires Windows XP or newer. In Windows 2000 it will create a port, but it's not seamless, most shell programs will not work with it.

-r disk:<sharename>=<path>,... Redirects a path to the share \tsclient\ on the server (requires Windows XP or newer). The share name is limited to 8 characters.

Thus, something like this should work:

rdesktop -r disk:sharename=/home/dai -P

It is strange, but rdesktop requires to share disk and sound together:

redsktop -r sound:local -r disk:share=/home/me

Another option would be (if it is suitable of course) to use shared foler, which you can define in the connection profile of remmina.

Go to connection profile and at the bottom define a folder to share with remote machine.

with xfreerdp:

xfreerdp "/" "/u:myusername" /drive:tmp,/tmp