How do I add a launcher for .sh applications?

I have installed ubuntu (11.04).

I installed phpstorm which is simply an archive for you to extract and shove in your /opt directory.

To run it you would use /opt/PhpStorm-103.243/bin/

In unity I had created a launcher on my desktop.

Now I have installed gnome-3(gnome-shell),

And I have nothing in my desktop.

So how do I run phpstorm quickly? Can I get it to show up in "applications"?

Solution 1:

PhpStorm now has a feature to create a launcher for you. It's available under:

Tools -> Create Desktop Entry...

Ubuntu 12, PhpStorm 6 /Tools/Create Desktop Entry...

This will add PhpStorm to the system menu for the current user or for all users. The created launcher is also compatible with Gnome Shell.

Ubuntu 12, PhpStorm and Unity launcher

Solution 2:

I worked it out :D

In Terminal

gedit ~/.local/share/applications/<Your App Name>.desktop

In gedit

Here you should edit:
You can find more details and more keys in the docs

[Desktop Entry]
# Define which specification version this entry is using 
# The application name (eg. "Gnome Terminal", "Firefox")
Name=My Awesome App
# The generic app name (eg. "Terminal", "Web Browser")
GenericName=Awesome App
# The Tooltip
Comment=This app is awesome!
# The command you want to execute
# Whether the app should run in a terminal window
# The pretty picture :D
# The type of the desktop entry (Application, Link, or Directory)
# Categoies the app should be in
# Mime types this launcher can open
# Localized version of the above info
Name[en_NZ]=My Awesome App
GenericName[en_NZ]=Awesome App
Comment[en_NZ]=This app is awesome!

Save the file.
Now your application will show in searches :)

Solution 3:

Alacarte application can help you. You can also find it under "Main Menu". Use the Software Center or

sudo apt-get install alacarte

Just choose a folder (not very important if you have Gnome 3, unless you use some menu extension) and then on the right New Item. Here you can give the new launcher a name and browse to its location. You can also provide a logo by clicking on the logo.

Solution 4:

I'm using the gnome-shell in Ubuntu 11.10 and created my launcher for PhpStorm using the same method in Gnome 3 that I would have used in Gnome 2: I used the Main Menu application.

Launcher Properties

The application shows up in search and can be added to Favorites without any hiccups.