How to figure out what app is beeping at me?

Every now and then, on my Mac, I hear a bell. I have no idea what app it is, or why it's beeping at me.

My first thought was that it's coming from the Notification System in OS X 10.8 (I never heard such a thing on 10.7), but I turned off the sound notifications for every app listed in the Notification preferences.

Is there any way to tell what app is doing this to me?

UPDATE: I think it might have been Mail -- it has its own sound notification preferences, apparently. But I'm not certain, and the question as written still stands: how do you know where sound comes from?

Solution 1:

I don't believe there's an easy, general way to determine exactly what process is making a sound, but if I had to track it down, I'd use an "audio router" (E.G., and reroute each process/application one at a time until I figured out which was causing the sound.