In postfix, how can I allow only certain users to send mail as any other user?

I figured out how to modify the query in /etc/postfix/ to allow any user with "admin" privileges (as defined in the users.sqlite table) to send email as any other user at the same domain:

SELECT permitted_senders
    SELECT permitted_senders
    FROM (
        SELECT permitted_senders, 0 AS priority
        FROM aliases
        WHERE source='%s'
        AND permitted_senders IS NULL
        SELECT email as permitted_senders, 2 AS priority
        FROM users
        WHERE email='%s'
    ORDER BY priority LIMIT 1
SELECT email as permitted_senders
FROM users
WHERE privileges="admin"
AND SUBSTR(email, INSTR(email, '@') + 1) = SUBSTR('%s', INSTR('%s', '@') + 1);

So basically, if [email protected] is set as an admin (which you can do in the user database, or through your account configuration interface), then [email protected] will be allowed to send mail as [email protected], [email protected], etc. This seems like a reasonable policy to me.