Automapper: bidirectional mapping with ReverseMap() and ForMember()

Solution 1:

ReverseMap returns an IMappingExpression that represents the reversal of the mapping. Once you call, it subsequent calls will be for configuring the reversal of the map.

Here's an example:

Mapper.CreateMap<CartItemDto, CartItemModel>()
      .ForMember(dest => dest.ExtendedCost, opt => opt.Ignore())
          .ForMember(dest => dest.Pricing, opt => opt.Ignore())

This will ignore the Pricing field in the reverse direction.

Solution 2:

You could define your configuration like this:

Mapper.CreateMap<PartTwo, PartTwoViewModel>()
    .ForMember(dst => dst.PartInteger, opt => opt.MapFrom(src => src.Integer));

Mapper.CreateMap<PartTwoViewModel, PartTwo>()
    .ForMember(dst => dst.Integer, opt => opt.MapFrom(src => src.PartInteger));


Here is the commit where ReverseMap was initially implemented. From what I can see in the code, it only creates a simple reverse mapping. For example, in this case it would automatically configure the equivalent of:

Mapper.CreateMap<PartTwoViewModel, PartTwo>();

To get anything more complex, I'm afraid that you're going to have to configure it manually.