Turn off keyboard backlight, Asus laptop (Ubuntu 15.10)

Create a bash-script:

sudo gedit /usr/sbin/asuskbbloff

with this content:



# $KBBL may a directory or a symlink as of ubuntu 16.04
[ -d $KBBL -o -f $KBBL ] && echo 0 > $KBBL/brightness || echo "$KBBL does not exist!"

Make it executable:

sudo chmod 0755 /usr/sbin/asuskbbloff

Turn on your keyboard backlight and try to switch it off with this command:

sudo asuskbbloff

When it worked for you, create an upstart-file:

sudo gedit /etc/init/asuskbbloff.conf

with this content:

# This task is run on startup to turn of
# keyboard backlight on asus notebooks

description     "turn of keyboard backlight"

start on startup

exec /usr/sbin/asuskbbloff

Reboot your system for testing.