Word for "player" without the negative connotations

Player only has negative connotations in the context of romantic human relationships. If the context of your piece establishes that a game or sport is being discussed, player would not ordinarily carry a negative connotation.

How about:

  • participant as you've said
  • participator
  • contestant
  • contender
  • instrumentalist in the non-musical sense

I'm having trouble coming up with a noun that describes such a person, but it sounds like you might be describing someone who:

  • has zest for life
  • lives life to the fullest
  • is not a benchwarmer
  • doesn't sit on the sidelines
  • is a real go-getter
  • is a mover and shaker
  • seizes the day
  • is on a mission
  • lives with gusto
  • has pluck and verve
  • is high-spirited & dauntless

Maybe some of those could help.

In the context of a competitive sport a player could be a sportsperson, athlete, competitor or a team player.