Siri and birthday events

One of Apple's calendar features on every device is that it takes the birthdays from the contacts and show them as a separate birthday calendar. This is a nice feature, but has a huge drawback in my workflow:

Since I do a lot of driving I use Siri a lot to create calendar events. But when somebody of my contacts has birthday on the day I want to schedule a meeting (or whatsoever) the birthday event is recognized as a full-time event, what causes Siri to warn me, that I already have an appointment - what is obviously not true because it's "only" a birthday. Siri of course then tell me which appointments I have "at the same time" (which is a feature when you are connected via bluetooth), so at least I know, that this are only birthdays and I can schedule a meeting anyways, but this is also annoying, because if there are like 5 birthdays that day, it takes a pretty long while until Siri read all appointments to me.

So my question is: Is there any way to to get rid off the full-time status of the birthday calendar or even make Siri ignoring this birthday events (without deleting every birthday from any of my contacts)?

Solution 1:

There is no way to make Siri stop seeing the Birthday calendar, even if you disable it in the Calendar app. You can always write feedback to Apple or file a bug report (free developer account required).