Ureadahead errors

How to prevent ureadahead from trying to read non-existent logs from home folder.
journalctl -u ureadahead.service give errors like these below:

ureadahead:/home/$USER/.cache/upstart/gnome-keyring.log: There is no such file or folder  
ureadahead:/home/$USER/.cache/upstart/gnome-keyring-ssh.log: There is no such file or folder
ureadahead:/home/$USER/.cache/upstart/dbus.log: There is no such file or folder 
and more ...

Deleting /var/lib/ureadahead/pack file/s (in order to rebuilding database) has no effect.

Ubuntu 15.10, ureadahead 0.100.0-19

Solution 1:

ureadahead is basically useless these days; even ubuntu has given up on it as of cosmic. Just 'apt purge ureadahead" and get on with life.