Struggling to install .bundle file [duplicate]

I want to install xampp on my ubuntu 14.04 LTS. I am new to Ubuntu and most of the times its easy but now i don't understand a thing.

First i tried this tutuorial

But on step 2 i got this in the terminal:

chmod: cannot access ‘’: No such file or directory

So i tried to download and install it from

Downloading was not a problem but installing it was.

I followed the steps in the FAQ which was also a fail, after pasting the code in the terminal i got this:

chmod: cannot access ‘xampp-linux-*’: No such file or directory

So, i hope someone here can tell me what i am doing wrong. (most of the times its me doing it wrong)

I used xampp on windows and it always worked for me so it was my first choice here. If there are others that work better let me know.

Over to you

Solution 1:

Here is how I did it.

Download XAMPP from here. Choose you correct version, 32bit or 64bit.

Once downloaded, just press Ctrl+Alt+T on your keyboard to open Terminal. When it opens, navigate to where the file was downloaded, probably the Downloads folder, by typing cd Downloads and then run the command(s) below:

sudo chmod +x xampp-linux*
sudo ./xampp-linux*

And that should start the installer.