Best way to test exceptions with Assert to ensure they will be thrown

Do you think that this is a good way for testing exceptions? Any suggestions?

Exception exception = null;
    //I m sure that an exeption will happen here
catch (Exception ex){
    exception = ex;


I'm using MS Test.

I have a couple of different patterns that I use. I use the ExpectedException attribute most of the time when an exception is expected. This suffices for most cases, however, there are some cases when this is not sufficient. The exception may not be catchable - since it's thrown by a method that is invoked by reflection - or perhaps I just want to check that other conditions hold, say a transaction is rolled back or some value has still been set. In these cases I wrap it in a try/catch block that expects the exact exception, does an Assert.Fail if the code succeeds and also catches generic exceptions to make sure that a different exception is not thrown.

First case:

public void MethodTest()
     var obj = new ClassRequiringNonNullParameter( null );

Second case:

public void MethodTest()
        var obj = new ClassRequiringNonNullParameter( null );
        Assert.Fail("An exception should have been thrown");
    catch (ArgumentNullException ae)
        Assert.AreEqual( "Parameter cannot be null or empty.", ae.Message );
    catch (Exception e)
             string.Format( "Unexpected exception of type {0} caught: {1}",
                            e.GetType(), e.Message )

Now, 2017, you can do it easier with the new MSTest V2 Framework:

Assert.ThrowsException<Exception>(() => myClass.MyMethodWithError());

//async version
await Assert.ThrowsExceptionAsync<SomeException>(
  () => myObject.SomeMethodAsync()

Edit : MS Test Framework belatedly has copied other Unit test frameworks and does now have Assert.ThrowsException and Assert.ThrowsExceptionAsync which behave similar to the NUnit equivalents.

However, at time of writing, there is still no direct equivalent of Assert.Catch<TException> which allows testing for TException or a subclass of TException, so your unit tests will need to be exact about the setup and exeptions which are tested. From MS Test Docs:

Tests whether the code specified by delegate action throws exact given exception of type T (and not of derived type) and throws AssertFailedException if code does not throws exception or throws exception of type other than T.

Prior to SDK 2017

MS needs to catch up to features available in other testing frameworks. e.g. As of v 2.5, NUnit has the following method-level Asserts for testing exceptions:

Assert.Throws, which will test for an exact exception type:

Assert.Throws<NullReferenceException>(() => someNullObject.ToString());

And Assert.Catch, which will test for an exception of a given type, or an exception type derived from this type:

Assert.Catch<Exception>(() => someNullObject.ToString());

As an aside, when debugging unit tests which throw exceptions, you may want to prevent VS from breaking on the exception.


Just to give an example of Matthew's comment below, the return of the generic Assert.Throws and Assert.Catch is the exception with the type of the exception, which you can then examine for further inspection:

// The type of ex is that of the generic type parameter (SqlException)
var ex = Assert.Throws<SqlException>(() => MethodWhichDeadlocks());
Assert.AreEqual(1205, ex.Number);

I'm new here and don't have the reputation to comment or downvote, but wanted to point out a flaw in the example in Andy White's reply:

    Assert.Fail("Should have exceptioned above!");
catch (Exception ex)
    // whatever logging code

In all unit testing frameworks I am familiar with, Assert.Fail works by throwing an exception, so the generic catch will actually mask the failure of the test. If SomethingThatCausesAnException() does not throw, the Assert.Fail will, but that will never bubble out to the test runner to indicate failure.

If you need to catch the expected exception (i.e., to assert certain details, like the message / properties on the exception), it's important to catch the specific expected type, and not the base Exception class. That would allow the Assert.Fail exception to bubble out (assuming you aren't throwing the same type of exception that your unit testing framework does), but still allow validation on the exception that was thrown by your SomethingThatCausesAnException() method.

Unfortunately MSTest STILL only really has the ExpectedException attribute (just shows how much MS cares about MSTest) which IMO is pretty awful because it breaks the Arrange/Act/Assert pattern and it doesnt allow you to specify exactly which line of code you expect the exception to occur on.

When I'm using (/forced by a client) to use MSTest I always use this helper class:

public static class AssertException
    public static void Throws<TException>(Action action) where TException : Exception
        catch (Exception ex)
            Assert.IsTrue(ex.GetType() == typeof(TException), "Expected exception of type " + typeof(TException) + " but type of " + ex.GetType() + " was thrown instead.");
        Assert.Fail("Expected exception of type " + typeof(TException) + " but no exception was thrown.");

    public static void Throws<TException>(Action action, string expectedMessage) where TException : Exception
        catch (Exception ex)
            Assert.IsTrue(ex.GetType() == typeof(TException), "Expected exception of type " + typeof(TException) + " but type of " + ex.GetType() + " was thrown instead.");
            Assert.AreEqual(expectedMessage, ex.Message, "Expected exception with a message of '" + expectedMessage + "' but exception with message of '" + ex.Message + "' was thrown instead.");
        Assert.Fail("Expected exception of type " + typeof(TException) + " but no exception was thrown.");

Example of usage:

AssertException.Throws<ArgumentNullException>(() => classUnderTest.GetCustomer(null));