How to copy command console text?

Solution 1:

if you have a touchpad though, highlight the text and press Ctrl + Shift + C to copy ...

the following resources describe how to copy/paste using keyboard only -- screen/byobu:

How do I integrate Byobu's copy-buffer with the X clipboard?

Copy and Paste in Scrollback mode (screen/byobu)

  • Enter scrollback mode: Ctrl+A+[ or in byobu also F7
  • Move the cursor to the start of the text you want to copy, hit spacebar
  • Move the cursor to the end of the text you want to copy and hit enter
  • To paste text, hit Ctrl+A+] or Alt+Insert

Solution 2:

Try this:

wpa_passphrase | awk '/psk/ {print $4}' >> wpa.supplicant.conf

Command should take out the "psk=d5e532ecca53ea963e5b3b5521bb3682c53fcf5b6d55f15622027145c795b661" part and copy it to the end of your wpa.supplicant.conf file. Try changing $4 to $3 or $2 if you don't get the right part of the wpa_passphrase command.

Solution 3:

May be not perfect but a workaround. May be you could write the output in a file then go into the file remove unnecessary text and using cat you could append it to wpa_supplicant.conf

Basically your workflow would be:

command > rough

nano rough here delete the unnecessary text and keep just the necessary ones i.e psk

sudo sh -c "cat rough >> wpa_supplicant.conf"

Or may be you could use vim to yank the required text choosing it in visual mode.

P.S. Someone with good knowledge of sed would give you a easier solution than this I think.

Solution 4:

Of course the most common way to do this would be to use a mouse or other pointing device (such as a touchpad). Although it's somewhat excentric, it's possible to copy text without a mouse. (You may of course have a valid reason not use a pointing device.) Check out xclip, as in this answer. Thus you could use:

wpa_passphrase | xclip -sel clip