Adding options to a <select> using jQuery?

Solution 1:

Personally, I prefer this syntax for appending options:

$('#mySelect').append($('<option>', {
    value: 1,
    text: 'My option'

If you're adding options from a collection of items, you can do the following:

$.each(items, function (i, item) {
    $('#mySelect').append($('<option>', { 
        value: item.value,
        text : item.text 

Solution 2:

This did NOT work in IE8 (yet did in FF):

$("#selectList").append(new Option("option text", "value"));

This DID work:

var o = new Option("option text", "value");
/// jquerify the DOM object 'o' so we can use the html method
$(o).html("option text");

Solution 3:

You can add option using following syntax, Also you can visit to way handle option in jQuery for more details.

  1. $('#select').append($('<option>', {value:1, text:'One'}));

  2. $('#select').append('<option value="1">One</option>');

  3. var option = new Option(text, value); $('#select').append($(option));