Make Vim show ALL white spaces as a character
I can't find a way to make Vim show all white spaces as a character. All I found was about tabs, trailing spaces etc.
Solution 1:
As others have said, you could use
:set list
which will, in combination with
:set listchars=...
display invisible characters.
Now, there isn't an explicit option which you can use to show whitespace, but in listchars, you could set a character to show for everything BUT whitespace. For example, mine looks like this
:set listchars=eol:$,tab:>-,trail:~,extends:>,precedes:<
so, now, after you use
:set list
everything that isn't explicitly shown as something else, is then, really, a plain old whitespace.
As usual, to understand how listchars
works, use the help. It provides great information about what chars can be displayed (like trailing space, for instance) and how to do it:
:help listchars
It might be helpful to add a toggle to it so you can see the changes mid editing easily (source: VIM :set list! as a toggle in .vimrc):
noremap <F5> :set list!<CR>
inoremap <F5> <C-o>:set list!<CR>
cnoremap <F5> <C-c>:set list!<CR>
Solution 2:
As of patch 7.4.710 you can now set a character to show in place of space using listchars!
:set listchars+=space:␣
So, to show ALL white space characters as a character you can do the following:
:set listchars=eol:¬,tab:>·,trail:~,extends:>,precedes:<,space:␣
:set list
When you are finished, to hide the non-visible chars you would:
:set nolist
Discussion on mailing list:!topic/vim_dev/pjmW6wOZW_Q
Solution 3:
:set list
to enable.
:set nolist
to disable.
Solution 4:
I think other answers here are more comprehensive, but I thought I'd share a trick I usually use to differentiate tabs and spaces visually:
:syntax on
:set syntax=whitespace
These are syntax highlighting rules for the Whitespace programming language - tabs show in green and spaces in red. :)
Can be combined with :set list
as mentioned by many other answers, although the tabs will then show as ^I without a green higlight, but the spaces will show in red.