Can the function of the iTunes shuffle control be changed in iTunes 11?

I just updated my iTunes to 11.0. I just want to know how I can make the songs in my playlists in shuffle mode, but not the songs in my Library. Before with iTunes 10, you can have that option where you only shuffle songs in your playlists but not the library. But with iTunes 11, I can't seem to find that option. When I have songs in my playlists in shuffle mode, it also shuffles the songs I play from my Library.

So, can shuffle only affect a playlist and remain unset for general library play?

Solution 1:

There is a enter image description here shuffle button right beside the playlist name (at the top), when you have a playlist selected

In the above, my sidebar is off, (so I get this bar)

Songs Albums Artists Genres Playlists Radio Match iTunes Store

but this also works if a playlist is selected and the sidebar is on.

Solution 2:

Just go to Controls > Shuffle > Turn On Shuffle and play a song.

Screenshot of the above answer