Changing kernel bootsplash image?

I want to display a custom boot splash image on my Beaglebone Black (running Ångström).

I know of three places where images can be dumped to the framebuffer:

  • Bootloader (uboot) - needs display initialization (!topic/beagleboard/GwzL01ZHeC4) Looks generally hackish.
  • Kernel - Displays a Tux penguin (for each core)
  • User-space (e.g. psplash)

I want to avoid changing the bootloader if possible. I tried creating a userspace service, but systemd starts late in the boot process, leaving about 2secs of Mr. Tux and only about 1 sec showing my splash screen before I got to the login prompt.

Is there a way to replace the penguin with a custom splash screen (ideally without touching the bootloader or patching the kernel)?

You can recompile the new logo in the kernel. These links may help:

How to change the Linux penguin boot logo - ArticleWorld

How to change your Boot Logo in Linux Kernel (Suman's World)