Unable to delete a file

I have a file on my system named "2011.09.08įU0.G80.Šsl" that I'm unable to delete. Here are the different steps I've tried, but haven't had any success with yet:

  • sudo rm file - Results in "No such file or directory"
  • Deleting via Finder - "The operation can't be completed because one or more required items can't be found. (Error code -43)
  • Renaming via Finder - "An unexpected error occurred (error code -43)
  • sudo mv file newName - "No such file or directory"
  • Deleting using the "Locked" files feature in Cocktail - "An invalid character has been found in the path."
  • Sharing the folder in question with read+write access, logging in via Windows 7 and attempting to delete, but Windows is unable to even see the file in question.
  • Deleting/renaming the parent folder of the file via Terminal fails - "Directory not empty"

I've also tried the steps described in this question, but haven't add any success there either.

The primary reason for trying to delete this is because whenever my backup solution (SuperDuper!) encounters this file, it aborts the backup, leaving me flying without a net. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Try deleting interactively to avoid deleting too much since these characters match one or many/no characters - you can answer y or n as needed as each file comes up for deletion...


sudo rm -i 2011.09.0?*

If you can't get the wildcard right, move everything else out of the folder in question, go one directory level up and rm -r <foldername>.

sudo rm 2011.09.08<tab> will invoke auto-completion which should escape or otherwise resolve the odd characters for you. Make sure it's the only file that begins in 2011.09.08 though.