Appearance does not change on switching the theme

If I select Radiance or Ambiance in the menu show in the following picture, my whole theme does not change. It only changes the title bar.

How can I resolve this problem? Or how can I reset the theme to default?

Solution 1:

Install dconf-editor if you don't have it, and then go to


and check "active." One thing I've also noticed when this happens is that the media keys stop working: enable keys. There also might be some more plugins you should enable.

Problem cause: when unity-greeter is run (by the lightdm --test-mode command in my case), it disables a lot of settings-daemon plugins that have to be manually reenabled.

I got all of my info from this thread:

Solution 2:

Removing the file ~/.config/dconf/user solves the problem.

PS: To reconstruct the problem I made the following steps: change in the file /etc/lightdm/unity-greeter.conf the line

font-name=Ubuntu 11


font-name=Ubuntu 10

and after saving run the command

lightdm --test-mode 

That was all I modified yesterday. Now if you restart your session with CTRL+ALT+BACKSPACE and login again, your theme is ugly (like mine on the screen shot in my question). Can anyone verify this?

Solution 3:

I had the same problem after I ran unity-greeter in the terminal. From that moment on my theme did not load completely anymore. Only the title bar could be changed by selecting another theme.

Deleting config files, logging out, dconf-editor settings and so on did not work for me.

What solved the problem was to run /usr/bin/gnome-settings-daemon in the terminal. All settings were instantly in place.

So, I added it to the 'startup items' and the problem was solved. Everything works fine now.