How to safely remove proprietary Intel driver

I recently installed the proprietary Intel drivers for my Toshiba Satellite A105 s4284 running Ubuntu 14.10. Nouveau was working just fine, I was just attempting to make it so that I was able to run CS:S (no need for explanation on that.)

Long story short, I went and downloaded the Intel Graphic Drivers for Linux* from here. After downloading and installing the .deb, I ran intel-linux-graphics-installer which opened up a window that downloaded & installed the open Intel drivers. I then rebooted, and it's slow. Very slow, especially on 3D effects and when I hit Alt+Tab.

Now, I don't know if the previously installed Nouveau drivers are conflicting with these new Intel drivers (if that's the issue, what should I do about fixing it?) What I do know is that my system isn't behaving right and I want it to (obviously.) If removing the Nouveau drivers isn't the solution, how can I safely remove the just-installed Intel drivers?

Does anyone have any suggestions?

On some computers the new versions that are installed with the intel-linux-graphics-installer have those exact same issues, I had it happen with two netbooks so it dosn't seem to be a conflict between nouveau/intel but a problem with the newer graphics installed from Intel.

  1. First you need to remove the source that Intel installed automatically when you ran the installer. To do this go to Software Center → Edit → Software Sources → Other Software and uncheck the sources that have in the address.

  2. Next do a sudo apt-get update then we are going to follow steps from this post: do:

    nano /tmp/a_p

    And paste the following text:

    Package: *
    Pin: release a=*-backports
    Pin-Priority: 100
    Package: *
    Pin: release n=*
    Pin-Priority: 1001

    Now save with Ctrl+o and exit

  3. Now enter this command:

    sudo apt-get -o Dir::Etc::Preferences=/tmp/a_p dist-upgrade
  4. Reboot