One word for someone who eats hurriedly

Solution 1:

A gobbler is a common way to describe a person who eats too quickly.

Trencherman is uncommon but might to fit the bill, though its connotation is more one of quantity than speed.

A binger is someone who eats rapidly and excessively.

A pig is someone who eats uncouthly, noisily, and or rapidly.

Solution 2:

I would use either bolt or scoff as in

He bolted his food so fast he finished his starter before I had raised my fork.

From online dictionaries a description is:

Bolt: To eat (food) hurriedly and with little chewing

Solution 3:

I would call them a glutton:

: one given habitually to greedy and voracious eating and drinking

The adjectival form is gluttonous.

Solution 4:

You could say he gobbled up everything on the table. For your friend you could say he is a gobbler.

According to The Free Dictionary gobbler means:

gobbler - a hasty eater who swallows large mouthfuls.

Solution 5:

Bolt may be what you are looking for:

  1. The act of bolting food.

1835 J. Wilson in Blackwood's Mag. 37 133 The difference between a civilized swallow and a barbarous bolt.