What word is the opposite of Luddite? [closed]

Since Luddite describes the followers of one Ned Ludd who lead a movement against industrialization and in particular mechanized looms in 1811 or so, I will propose Cartwrightian since Edward (Edmund) Cartwright patented the power loom in 1785 and so his designs or variations thereon would probably have been the ones being destroyed by the Luddites.

But that may be too obscure for your use so technophile may be more appropriate.

The problem is, the Luddites were named after an individual who smashed machinery, whereas their opponents were the state or at least the businessmen of the time. So the original antonym would have been Industrialist. You could identify a specific individual who opposed them, but they never had a specific anti-luddite movement, so it would not be entire accurate.

If you are looking for modern antonyms, technophile is probably the best, but again, there is no single individual who is leading the drive for technological progress, so it is not reasonable to associate a name with the pro-technology movement.

Immanuel Kant (1724–1804) argued that progress is neither automatic nor continuous and does not measure knowledge or wealth, but is a painful and largely inadvertent passage from barbarism through civilization toward enlightened culture and the abolition of war. Kant called for education, with the education of humankind seen as a slow process whereby world history propels mankind toward peace through war, international commerce, and enlightened self-interest

I would say that Kantian is the word you are looking for. There are a lot more people following the Idea of Progress theory: John Locke, Voltaire, etc.

"Technocrat" appears to be the best fit here.

Otherwise I propose "Arkwrightian", after Richard Arkwright, inventor of the water frame that contributed to the onset of the Industrial Revolution (specifically because Ludd is reputed to have destroyed knitting frames, as Wiki has it).