Can I filter legendary or set items by stats in the Auction House? (fixed in 1.0.4)

When I choose a particular legendary (Andariel's Visage), I want to filter these by those which have at least 100 intelligence, is there any way to do that?

I couldn't filter helms down to just Andariel's Visage because it has Attack Speed % which you can't filter on, because it's not present on regular helm items.  Also shows a screenshot of the auction house search filter with the fields grayed out.

UPDATE: As the title says, this behavior was changed in patch 1.04.

Solution 1:

As of patch 1.04 on 8/21/2012, you can now filter by attributes while looking for a specific legendary item, just like a normal search.

Solution 2:

Of course there is! The best way to go about this is to minimize your search. Let's use your Andariel's Visage for example. You can set the min and max level at 58, the type to Armour>Helmet, Legendary and then the specific stats you are looking for Int,Dex,Str,Socket. Using this you can actually get very specific searches on a single legendary.

Edit:Sorry if it came out wrong. The thing is you cannot search the stats on a specific legendary but limit your search enough that you can find the specific legendary with required stats. A legendary has a specific level so limiting the maximum and minimum level to that of the legendary is where you start. Next we change the item type to legendary. After that we get into the 3 specifics to further limit our search. Let's say i'm a Demon hunter who wants an Andariel's Visage. Well I'm going to make the max and min 58 and item type legendary while searching armour>helms. After this for property 1 I will search for a socket, property 2 Dexterity. The fact that you cannot search for IAS on helm doesn't matter at this point because you will only find Andariel's Visage with dext and a socket now.

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