Is Call of Duty: Black Ops based on the same engine as Modern Warfare 2?

Hey man, I'm in the same unsure position as you. Macbook Pro 2.66 core 2 duo 2.72 GB RAM Nvidia 9600MGT BOOTCAMP

It seems that everything is fine and can be handled by a Macbook Pro except for the CPU. "Intel Core 2 Duo E6600 or AMD Phenom X3 8750" seems to translate to a 2.93 core 2 duo which may be a problem unless you have one of the newer slightly more powerful Macbook Pros.

Hope this helps.

According to the Wikipedia page, it uses a modified version of the World at War engine. This is probably because Treyarch made both World at War and Black Ops, while Infinity Ward made Modern Warfare 2.