What do you call someone who likes variety? [closed]

I don't mean a variety in a certain field or area like food, but in general. I'm developing an iOS quiz app with different sections to be quizzed on. For example, there is a math quiz, a history quiz, a grammar quiz, a literature quiz, a history quiz, etc. One game center achievement is to have tried every quiz. I want the game center achievement title to be something like "diverse interests" except as a single word.

We don't really have enough context, but an adventurous [personality type] is one who displays curiosity, interest, novelty-seeking, openness to experience.

There's also neophile (a personality type characterized by a strong affinity for novelty), but that's something of a "cult/jargon" neologism with rather more limited currency.

EDIT: Now the question has been edited to give more context, I suggest...

intrepid (characterized by resolute fearlessness, fortitude, and endurance)

...which seems to me a far more appropriate "honorific" for OP's category of game players.

EDIT2: polymath (a person whose expertise spans a significant number of different subject areas)

Consider venturesome ("Bold; willing to take risks; adventurous"), mercurial ("Volatile; erratic; unstable; flighty; fickle or changeable in temperament" or "Lively; clever; sprightly; animated; quick-witted"), impetuous ("Making arbitrary decisions, especially in an impulsive and forceful manner") and some of their synonyms.

Note, with question as modified, perhaps only venturesome is relevant. For titles of an achievement, consider enthusiast, fanatic, experienced, well-rounded.

As long as you don't mind it being a word that's probably not immediately recognizable, you might consider philomath. It means lover of learning, particularly in multiple disciplines. Though rare, it seems apt for your purposes.

Vocabulary.com describes it like this:

enter image description here

The award title might make people curious, and learn one more thing after they've won their award.