What's the word for a vendor/retailer/wholesaler that sends products abroad

I'm looking for the word for retailer or vendor that sells goods abroad. I may be wrong but my understanding is that 'retailer' and 'vendor' are used to denote sellers of goods that you would directly go to in order to buy the goods.

The example sentence for the word I'm looking for is below:

We get a lot of our mangoes here in the UK from ***** in Pakistan and India.

Solution 1:

An exporter is a person or business which sells goods abroad.

An importer is a person or business which buys goods from abroad.

Your example sentence would read:

We get a lot of our mangoes here in the U.K. from exporters in Pakistan and India.

Solution 2:

We get a lot of our mangoes here in the UK from exporters in Pakistan and India.

An exporter is:

a person, country, or company that sends goods or services to another country for sale. (from Oxford Languages)

Such companies can also be called:

International/overseas/foreign traders (see more synonyms in WordHippo)