Extra large, high visibility, cursors for windows? [closed]

I'm setting up a computer for my 95 year old mother. Her eyesight's not so good any more and she has a hard time seeing the mouse cursor. I'v got it set to the extra large size that windows has built in, but it's too hard for her to see the either white or black cursor (not enough contrast from the backgrounds).

Does anyone have a suggestion for a source for a set of extra large cursors for Windows 8 that are perhaps a bright color like red?


I didn't find it the first three times I searched for a cursor set, but I found one tonight.

There's a set of high visibility cursors at http://www.bmyers.com/public/high_visibility_cursors.cfm that fit the bill perfectly. They're large, bright red, and free. The set is missing the "Help Select" and "Working in Background" cursors, but has all the rest. I may spend some time and contribute the missing ones, but the new cursors are working fine for now.

My mom is finding it MUCH easier to use the mouse with these!

Thanks to Bill Myers for making those available!