Sublime Text 3 remove default keyboard shortcut

I find no way to unset or remove default keyboard shortcuts in Sublime Text 3. The default settings are not editable anymore, so I have this in there:

{ "keys": ["f2"], "command": "next_bookmark" },

I have tried "command": "unbound" in user settings but it just unbinds the "next_bookmark" command from it, the key is still intercepted and captured by ST3. I have some important global shortcuts which I'm simply unable to use without switching to another window first.

Is there any way of solving this?

Solution 1:

You can override the default package. To do this easily, you can use Open the Default/Default (your os).sublime-keymap file, make your edits, then save the file. The plugin will place it in the proper location to override the default bundled file.

Solution 2:

To insert Unicode in Ubuntu 18.04 I normally use ctrl+shift+u, but that fails in ST3.

I can't find any method that works on ST3 3175 under Ubuntu. I tried mapping it to "pass", to false, and using Package Resource Viewer to edit file .../Packages/Keymaps/Default (Linux).sublime-keymap.

There is a package (Unicode Character Insert) that says it will insert unicode characters but it only puts up a small chart of characters it knows about.