How can I import a .PST to GMail?

I desperately need the content of an email that I received at my work account (Exchange) from 2 years back.

I no longer work there, my email account is long deleted, but I have a copy of the .PST file from that time, and I know the password for that .PST file.

Is there anyway I can retrieve the mail?

Install Google Mail Migration for Outlook (GAMMO) from Google (free tool). And just run it. It is pretty straight forward. It will import all mails in your pst into your gmail account.

Google Apps Migration for Microsoft Outlook®

I once had this problem. To solve it, I followed these steps:

  1. Installed Microsoft Outlook on my PC

  2. Configure the Google Mail Account (POP/IMAP) - for this, I suggest following the steps posted on Google How To

  3. Imported the .pst file

  4. Drag and Drop

I prefer this solution, because my .pst file was too big (~4.6GB) to export to Google and I wanted just an attached file of one single message.