Is there any way to git checkout previous branch?

Solution 1:

From the release notes for 1.6.2

@{-1} is a way to refer to the last branch you were on. This is
accepted not only where an object name is expected, but anywhere a branch name is expected and acts as if you typed the branch name.
E.g. git branch --track mybranch @{-1}, git merge @{-1}, and
git rev-parse --symbolic-full-name @{-1} would work as expected.


git checkout - is a shorthand for git checkout @{-1}.

Solution 2:

The simplest way of doing this nowadays is:

git checkout -

... which is an alias of:

git checkout @{-1}

git checkout minus

If you want to know more about this, I wrote an entire article about it here: Checkout The Previous Branch In Git.

Solution 3:

As @Karl points out and from git checkout manual:

As a special case, the "@{-N}" syntax for the N-th last branch checks out the branch (instead of detaching). You may also specify - which is synonymous with "@{-1}".

So both git checkout - and git checkout @{-1} would work in this case

Closest I believe is using the git reflog and parse the latest moving from branch1 to branch2 and git checkout branch1