What does export PATH=something:$PATH mean?

I am very new to Linux and I put the following command at the end of the file .profile under my home folder:

export PATH="~/.composer/vendor/bin:$PATH"

I know the issues of environment variables and their values a bit from Windows, but in this case I want to understand what this command does, and what are the parts that it comprises:

  1. What is this "export" phrase at the start? Is it exporting the data to be available for Bash?

  2. What is the first PATH and what is the second $PATH, and why do we need two?

Solution 1:

What is this "export" phrase at the start?

export is a command (more precisely it's a Bash builtin, i.e. it's not an executable present in PATH, it's a command that Bash has built-in in itself).

Is it exporting the data to be available for Bash?

export sets the environment variable on the left side of the assignment to the value on the right side of the assignment; such environment variable is visible to the process that sets it and to all the subprocesses spawned in the same environment, i.e. in this case to the Bash instance that sources ~/.profile and to all the subprocesses spawned in the same environment (which may include e.g. also other shells, which will in turn be able to access it).

What is the first PATH and what is the second $PATH, and why do we need two?

The first PATH as explained above is the environment variable to be set using export.

Since PATH normally contains something when ~/.profile is sourced (by default it contains /usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin:/usr/games:/usr/local/games), simply setting PATH to ~/.composer/vendor/bin would make PATH contain only ~/.composer/vendor/bin.

So since references to a variable in a command are replaced with (or "expanded" to) the variable's value by Bash at the time of the command's evaluation, :$PATH is put at the end of the value to be assigned to PATH so that PATH ends up containing ~/.composer/vendor/bin:/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin:/usr/games:/usr/local/games (i.e. what PATH contains already plus ~/.composer/vendor/bin: at the start).

Solution 2:

https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EnvironmentVariables will probably help you. Also man bash may be very helpful with understanding how that works (at least in Bash)

Anyway - as for PATH= you're basically setting the PATH variable, adding some new paths to search through, adding at the end already / previously set paths, with $PATH (which is basically a reference to the PATH variable).

So, say your PATH was so far set to something like:


and then you set


your PATH after that will be like:


I hope that makes sense.

And on top of that you export the new variable so it's known in your environment including also child processes / subshells.

Just be aware also that the order of the directories as set in PATH can be important. And something like PATH="$PATH:a:b:c" will give you the result:


which will affect the order of directories / paths while searching for a command (if you have your command in more than one of directories, the first found will be used - which may give you some unexpected results sometimes).