In ubuntu 11.04 there was a workaround using gconf-editor and setting key /apps/gnome_settings_daemon/plugins/xrandr/active to false.

However there is no such key in gconf-manager using ubuntu 11.10 (gnome 3).

Solution 1:

On Ubuntu 18.04, I found two different keybindings for SUPER+P, which can be disabled with dconf-editor.

First, you need to install dconf-editor, if it's not already installed. This can be done in the terminal with the following command:

sudo apt install dconf-editor

Then you can launch it from the terminal:


Within dconf-editor:

  • Navigate to: /org/gnome/mutter/keybindings/switch-monitor
  • If the "Custom value" field contains ['<Super>p', 'XF86Display'], then:
    • Disable "Use default value"
    • In the "Custom value" field, type the following: []
  • Navigate to: /org/gnome/settings-daemon/plugins/media-keys/video-out
  • If the "Custom value" field contains '<Super>p', then:
    • Disable "Use default value"
    • In the "Custom value" field, delete everything.

Solution 2:

The new version of gnome-settings-daemon stores its configuration information in dconf rather than gconf.

To do the equivalent of what you were doing on 11.04, try the following:

  1. Install the dconf-tools package, and then run dconf-editor.
  2. In the tree on the left, navigate org -> gnome -> settings-daemon -> plugins -> xrandr.
  3. Uncheck the active checkbox.