Excel 2013 slow when Cell Editing

In Excel 2013 (on windows 7), when I select a cell & type something, most of the time it makes the computer very slow for few seconds, and takes time to display entered text in the cell.

  • Tried disabling all Com Add-ins, but no avail.
  • Tried opening the Excel in safe mode using Excel /safe command then it works fine.

What could be the reason causing this issue?

Solution 1:

I had similar experience on low spec PC (P4@3Ghz).

Try disable animations:

  1. WIN+R
  2. Type regeditand hit Enter
  3. Go to HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Office\15.0\Common
  4. Look for Graphics folder (if is missing, create it)
  5. Open this folder (graphics) and create new DWORD(32bit) named DisableAnimations and set value to 1

OR copy

Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00


to Notepad a save as *.reg and then apply by doubleclick on this *.reg file

AND (optionally)

In Excel go to Preferences-advanced and disable HW acceleration