(how to) Change back to Win + N shortcut in OneNote 2013 to create new Quick Note?

Solution 1:

I know this is old, but this was a really infuriating change Microsoft made. I get that it is due to competing internal teams and Windows > OneNote/Office, but still... I used Win+N daily, as did a lot of people.

Anyway, here's what I did to "fix the glitch":

  1. Installed AutoHotkey (Freeware scriptable key remapping software)
  2. In the default script file it creates in your Documents folder: AutoHotKey.ahk I added the following: #n::#!n

That basically says: #n [Win+N] = [Win+Alt+N]

Save, then hit the reload script from the tasktray menu for AutoHotkey and viola, SOLVED! Omg finally... geez that one was killin me for ages.

Now reap the benefits of AutoHotkey... because holy crap that is an awesome app. I'm only 15min in, but I have already added a ton of frequently used things to it including even code blocks for when I dev Lol. I love it.

Anyway, hope this helps you if still needed, and if for nothing else, the next google searcher such as myself. :)