How do I enable Java Web Start for ASDM Launcher (Cisco ASA management) in Mountain Lion?

I've been trying to get my Cisco ASA management software working and on Snow Leopard, it ran fine. However, even after installing Java manually on Mountain Lion (on my new Macbook Pro), I continue to receive this message:

error message

I've searched as best as I can and my google-fu is really failing me here. How do I resolve this? There's nothing in the Java Preferences pane that even references Web Start applications. Help?

Edit: Clicking on the "More Info..." button sends me to which is where I downloaded and installed Java from the first time I got this error.

If this is indeed a bug with your application and Java 7 as Mark mentioned, you can re-enable the previously-Apple-provided Java 6 and Web-Start functionality by following the steps from HT5559. The steps are below, along with commands to undo these changes, if they do not help.

Open Terminal in an administrator account (Terminal is in /Applications/Utilities) and run this command: sudo mkdir -p /Library/Internet\ Plug-Ins/disabled to create a directory for "disabled" plugins that you don't want to run.

Run sudo mv /Library/Internet\ Plug-Ins/JavaAppletPlugin.plugin /Library/Internet\ Plug-Ins/disabled to move your current Java plugin to the new "disabled" folder.


sudo ln -sf /System/Library/Java/Support/Deploy.bundle/Contents/Resources/JavaPlugin2_NPAPI.plugin /Library/Internet\ Plug-Ins/JavaAppletPlugin.plugin

to link Apple's Java plugin to make it your current JavaAppletPlugin.


 sudo ln -sf

to re-enable Java Web-Start.

To disable the above, follow the directions below:

Open Terminal in an administrator account and run:

 sudo ln -sf

to disable Java 6 Web-Start and replace it with the newest Web-Start functionality.

and Re-install the newest Java Runtime Environment 7 from Oracle.

There is a known bug with the asdm and java 1.7. You will need to find a version of 1.6 to run it.

ASDM Launcher does not work with JAVA version 7


ASDM Launcher hangs when JAVA version 7 is used. However, it is still accessible from the browsers. The following exception is seen:

"Exception in thread "AWT-EventQueue-0" java.lang.ClassCastException: cannot be cast to"


Using JAVA version 7.


Use JAVA version 6 or access ASDM from the browser.