NumLock is completely useless, and I want to disable it completely on Linux

Forget all the rants about Caps Lock, Num Lock is the most useless key of them all. It's never, ever useful. You don't want to use your numpad as an arrowpad, since the arrows are 1cm away from it. Ever.

There was a time when some keyboards had a numpad but no dedicated arrow keys. They don't exist anymore. You can find keyboards with no numpad but with arrow keys, but not the opposite.

Therefore, Num Lock is useless, and it only serves to aggravate me and, I presume, others. Please note that I do not want to know how to turn Num Lock on at startup, I do not want to know how to tear the key off, I want to disable it so that it stays on all the time and can't be turned off by mistake. Any idea how to do that?

Ideally I'd like to be able to reclaim the key for another use, such as a modifier that allows me to type hex on the numpad.

Additionally I'd love to know how to turn off the equally useless mouse emulation triggered by Shift + Num Lock.

Solution 1:

Well for your first question, you can remap it to nothing with xmodmap:

xmodmap -e "keycode # = """

where # is the scan code of NumLock. You can find the scan code using xev. Instead of nothing you can remap it to any key you'd like.

Solution 2:

I noticed this was tagged "Gnome", however for those who ended up here and are using KDE, it is really easy to make the numpad always print numbers.

In System settings > Hardware > Input devices > Keyboard > Advanced

Check "Configure keyboard options" then check "Miscellanous compatibilty options" > "Numeric keypad always enter digits (as in Mac OS)"

Click apply and it works directly.

"Miscellanous compatibilty options" > "Toggle PonterKeys with Shift + NumLock" Will turn on/off mouse emulation by Shift + NumLock, however this is off by default.

Solution 3:

For Ubuntu 16.04 - xmodmap is not a permanent solution. Instead, install "Gnome Tweak Tools", navigate to Typing-->Miscellaneous Compatibility Options, and select "Numeric keypad keys always enter digits".

Solution 4:

Well I know for sure that if you run this as root, it will enable Num Lock, and at least on my machine I cannot turn it off,

echo /etc/rc.local >> 'for tty in /dev/tty?; do /usr/bin/setleds -D +num < "$tty"; done'

I am using Arch Linux, so you might want to find the appropriate file for your particular flavour of *nix... but this should enable Num Lock at boot, and leave the actual key open to be remapped. I love the idea of using it as a modifer to type in Hex, I hadn't thought of that.

Solution 5:

For further reading, check out the loadkeys command, it can alter the keyboard for console logins, too.